Often we need a lot of time to realize something, understand, and feel. It happens not because we are stupid or not good at something but because awareness and understanding of certain things come to us when we are ready to get them and when we are ready for the next experience.
Two different people look at the same situation differently and draw different conclusions. And there is no right or wrong because this is driven by our accumulated experience, which forms our perception prism. So, we see the world through our experience, through our prism.
Our experience and prism of perceptions change over time.
For example, we could listen to particular music in childhood because we liked the motive and music. Then, in adolescence, we begin to understand the words and what it is about; often, we begin to feel it. Over time, a person can understand its meaning and the author's idea. At each stage, the same music would generate different emotions, feelings, understanding, and transformations inside the person.